Lifestyle Change Program Uses Community Coaches and Peer Support
to Increase Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
Washington, DC – Jane Delgado, Ph.D., M.S., President and CEO of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health (Alliance) today announced renewal and expansion of the Alliance’s Let’s Prevent Diabetes Program that works with community-based organizations to respond to the diabetes crisis facing our nation’s Hispanic population.
“In the past year, the Alliance has worked with five local communities around the country to demonstrate how a structured intervention program with lifestyle coaching as its centerpiece can help Hispanics address their pre-diabetes and prevent progression to type 2 diabetes,” said Dr. Delgado.
She added: “In recognition of our successes, through a partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we are expanding this program to two additional cities, so we can help more Hispanic men and women address this health challenge.”
About 38% of Hispanic adults are pre-diabetic, representing more than 13 million people. Delaying or preventing diabetes in these individuals represents a critical public health challenge, as well as an opportunity to reduce the costs of health care and lower the projected incidence of disability in America.
"This program has motivated me to stay physically active,” observed Maria, a participant in the program in Salinas, CA. “I have learned to take control of my food intake and physical activity. This program has also helped my kids and family."
CDC’s National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) is designed to make it easier for people with prediabetes to participate in evidence-based, affordable, and high-quality lifestyle change programs to reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes and improve their overall health. Participants in the year-long program work with a lifestyle coach who follow CDC’s Prevent T2 curriculum and share their experiences with a peer group of individuals striving to make healthy lifestyle changes to avoid a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.
Current community-based partner organizations implementing Lifestyle Change Programs with the Alliance to prevent diabetes are located in Salinas, CA; Kissimmee/Orlando, FL; Bellevue/Omaha, NE; El Paso, TX; and, Pasco/Walla Walla, WA. New partners in San Diego, CA and Brownsville, TX are launching their programs in January 2019.
For more information about pre-diabetes, go to CDC diabetes basics: prediabetes. For details about CDC’s National Diabetes Prevention Program, go to CDC diabetes prevention lifestyle program.
About the National Alliance for Hispanic Health (The Alliance)
The Alliance is the nation's foremost science-based source of information and trusted advocate for the best health for all. For interested media, the Alliance can provide case studies, as well as trainers and participants who can tell their own story. For more information, about the Alliance please visit or call the Alliance's Su Familia National Hispanic Family Health Helpline at 1-866-783-2645.