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Paul M. Baker

Managing Director for Programs

Paul M. Baker is the Managing Director for Programs at the National Alliance for Hispanic Health (the Alliance) where he oversees a variety of national, multi-site, and multi-year interventions focused on disease prevention and health promotion. As a part of these efforts, Mr. Baker works closely with Hispanic-serving community-based organizations (CBOs) and fosters collaborative relationships with multi-sector stakeholders at the local, state, and national levels to improve health and access to quality care.

Mr. Baker currently serves as the Project Director for the Let’s Prevent Diabetes / Prevengamos la Diabetes Program, a five-year cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), where he spearheads the implementation of the National Diabetes Prevention Program in partnership with eight CBOs around the country. During his tenure at the Alliance, Mr. Baker has directed similar projects including the Mobilizing Communities to Reduce Diabetes (MCRD) Program, a five-year initiative to implement evidence-based DSME interventions; the Proyecto Informar Capacity Development (PICD) Program, a six-year initiative to provide cultural proficiency trainings for U.S. health department leadership and capacity development technical assistance for CBOs; the Juntos Contra la Diabetes (JCD) Program, an eight-year initiative to connect communities with diabetes prevention and management services; and, the National Hispanic Colorectal Cancer Outreach and Education Program (NHCCOEP), a five-year initiative to promote the prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer.

Before joining the Alliance, Mr. Baker worked at the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) on tobacco control and prevention; John Snow, Inc. (JSI) on the USAID-funded Family Planning Logistics Management (FPLM) and Opportunities for Micronutrient Initiatives (OMNI) Projects; and, as a volunteer ESL Instructor in Ecuador through WorldTeach, a non-governmental organization based at Harvard University’s Center for International Development. Mr. Baker received his Bachelor’s Degree from James Madison University.

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