Statement of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health on Introduction of Personal Care Products Safety Act
June 17, 2021. Washington, DC. “Consumers want to know that if it’s on the shelf or in their online cart that the shampoo, make-up, after shave or other personal care products they buy are safe,” said Jane L. Delgado, PhD, MS, President and CEO of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health (the Alliance), the nation’s leading Hispanic health advocacy group.
“The Alliance is proud to support the Personal Care Products Safety Act introduced today by Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to protect consumers and strengthen FDA’s oversight of cosmetics and other personal care products. Everyday millions of men and women use cosmetics and personal care products like shampoo and lotion and assume that they are safe. It is shocking that the FDA does not have adequate authority to ensure that the ingredients in these products that American families use daily are safe, nor does FDA have adequate authority to recall these products if they are found to be dangerous.”
“This legislation, if enacted, would represent the first new consumer protections on cosmetics and personal care products in 83 years. It is action long overdue and we look forward to the bill becoming law,” concluded Dr. Delgado.
About the National Alliance for Hispanic Health (The Alliance)
The Alliance is the nation’s foremost science-based source of information and trusted advocate for the health of Hispanics in the United States with a mission to achieve the best health for all. For more information visit us at