The Nuestras Voces Adelante (Our Voices Moving Forward) Network Program partners with research institutions, academia, federal agencies, national voluntary agencies, community-based organizations, and expert collaborators that support our efforts to reduce the impact of tobacco-related and cancer-related health disparities on the nation’s health and well-being.
The Nuestras Voces Adelante also partners with leading Hispanic community-based organizations (CBOs) that serve as Regional Lead Agencies (RLAs). These agencies are trusted agents of change in their communities and have a broad history of implementing culturally proficient and language appropriate interventions. Each have regional networks with a reach that is amplified by their many collaborations. The Nuestras Voces Adelante RLAs are:
About Nuestras Voces Adelante

Through a series of webinars the Nuestras Voces Adelante Program provides:
Training and technical assistance on evidence-based interventions and promising practices focused on tobacco and cancer prevention and control for Hispanics;
Technical assistance supporting the implementation of culturally proficient services, education, and materials development to expand the reach to Hispanic communities at the national, state, tribal, territorial, and local levels; and,
Technical assistance to develop and implement culturally proficient and language appropriate tobacco and cancer-control mass health communications and outreach campaigns and interventions.
The Tri-Networks Cancer Prevention Community of Practice (CoP) is our partnership with the Geographic Health Equity Alliance Network (CHEA) and the SelfMade Health Network (SMHN) to increase the capacity of state comprehensive cancer control (CCC) programs.
The CoP focuses on implementation of evidenced-based interventions and PSE change to increase cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination, as well as address the built environment and nutrition, among those with lower incomes, Hispanics and other underserved groups living in a variety of geographic locations.
Please note all mentions of tobacco refer to commercial tobacco and not American Indian or Native American sacred tobacco.
This program is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through Cooperative Agreement #NU58DP007598-01. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CDC/HHS, or the U.S. Government.